About Me

Rachel began her career as a biologist, and pursued an advanced degree in zoology and ornithology. Training dogs was a hobby she enjoyed on the side until, 28 years ago, she decided to become a professional dog trainer, and was in the first class of trainers to be certified through the Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers (CPDT_KA). Since beginning Positively Obedient Dog Training, she has been recognized as a top trainer by Baltimore Magazine, and has enjoyed a long career serving the Baltimore area, now often helping clients with their second and third dogs, and even providing training to their children’s families. She has been an instructor at Oriole Dog Club for over 25 years, where she trains puppies and beginner dogs. She enjoys competing with her own dogs in conformation, agility, nosework, tricks, and rally. She also enjoys singing and playing mandolin, birding, gardening, hiking, reading, cooking and baking.